Clans in HOTL3
A clan is a group made up of players who identify with common objectives
and subscribe to a common code of conduct. Clans are expected to
function as honourable and responsible units of the MUD community.
Clan leaders & admins, please note to us if you want to have
a link to your clan's page (if you have one) from here.
Things you might want to include for your Clan's web page could include: Clan Charter, Clan
Insignia/Colours, Ranks,
Duties & Requirements for Promotion, Member Roster, Code of
Conduct, Reasons for choosing your Clan, How to join your Clan,
Frequently Asked Questions on Clans
- Do all clan members have the same privileges?
- How do I join a clan?
- Can I leave a clan? How do I leave?
- Why should I join a clan?
- What are the benefits of joining one?
- What's a clan rating?
- Do I have to pay to join a clan?
- What if I don't want to be in a clan?
- How do I start a clan?
- Will clans be allowed to raid other clans?
- Can a clan be dissolved?
Go to FAQs
The Clans of HOTL3
And with tears of blood
he cleansed the hand,
The hand that held the steel:
For only blood can wipe out blood,
And only tears can heal.
--- Oscar Wilde