Known as Demons of Might, balrogs are fire-spitting, fast-moving
horrors who sport thickly-armored hides and countless horns and
teeth. Their huge girth belies an impressive agility that makes
them a formidable threat in every respect.
Balrogs are known to be experts in using whips of fire and other
sharp flaming weapons. They frequently fought in the Wars of Beleriand,
but most of them were killed in the Great Battle. Those who survived
either hid or were buried deep underground, and were thought to
be extinct. However, balrogs do surface now and then to wreak havoc
upon civilisation, as did the Terror of Moria before it was destroyed
by Gandalf.
Class inclination
Driven by an unholy force, balrogs are unsurpassed as warriors,
but they may wield magic with the same ease as their fiery weapons.
Berserk, Bodycontrol,
Races with similar class inclination:
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