As characteristic as a beard on a dwarf, the kender topknot identifies
this small, carefree race of childlike creatures. Kender are extremely
nimble but not very strong, so they often rely on luck and trickery
to get them out of the trouble they so often land in.
Since their very creation, kender have been wrongly branded as
thieves- an accusation deemed by them a base insult. The indignant
innocent would often proceed to return a barrage of taunts. The
knack of finding things that aren't theirs stems from their insatiable
curiosity. This same inquisitiveness compels kender who have come
of age to embark on an adventurous journey of wanderlust.
Class inclination
Kender make excellent thi-.. oops! Well, they make
pretty lousy warriors.
Hide, Sneak
Races with similar class inclination:
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