Minotaurs have the head of a bull but the body of a human male,
with legs ending in hooves. They're usually at least 7 feet in height,
sporting short, rust-coloured fur that carpets their massive girth
and deadly horns which curve sharply from their wide brows. Though
not particularly smart, minotaurs are blessed with great strength
and endurance.
'Fight to live, and live to fight'- a creed that most minotaurs
swear by. They fiercely adhere to a Code of Honour similar to that
of the Solamnic Knights. However, their belief in themselves as
the Master Race tends to ignite an inherent violent streak, often
with the intention of world domination.
Class inclination
Minotaurs make tough fighters (and sailors) but
are limited in other occupations.
Races with similar class inclination:
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