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Part IV: The Passion

I sat on the temple floor, looking at my blood-stained bandaged chest. I had recovered much, thanks to Dynia, the Healer of Kiri-Jolith. Ramona was lying across the room. She was still far from total recovery, as she was badly wounded. I could see her still writhing in pain. I sighed sadly to see her in such a sorrowful state. Crack was no where to be seen. After all, he was only exhausted. Recovering much faster than either of us, he had left to buy some food. I sighed heavily again.

Suddenly, somebody tumbled onto me. I screamed in pain and rage. Glaring at the person who fell onto me, I realised that she was a cleric. I stared at the young girl. It was of no doubt that she was only seventeen, and a new headstart in this world, just like me four years ago. Unlike Ramona who has a mature look, she looked youthful and sweet. Her pale, unscathed face showed her lack of exposure to the world. She looked completely like a greenhorn, blur and scared. Yet, there was something in her that struck my heart. I sat there dumbfounded, not knowing what to say.

'So sorry, mister. I'm new here. I don't even know what this place is. Sorry.' The girl was apologising profusely. I smiled and shook my head.

'It's alright. What's your name?'

'Flamie.' She replied fearfully.

'I'm Gil.' I introduced as I extended my hand. She shook it, and beamed at me. She was sweet, I told myself. I was very shocked of myself. So faithful was I to my Darklord that it never occurred to me that I would be moved by another person. Now, a young lady had entered my life, causing turmoil in my heart. I tried vainly to shake myself out of the situation. I sighed in despair.

'Did I hurt you badly?' Flamie was all set to apologise again. Alarmed, I hastily denied.

'No, no, I was hurt before that. You said you are new? Do you need help? I'll show you the ropes, if you don't mind.' I began.

'You will??? Oh, great! Thanks a lot! When??? Now???' Flamie tugged my arm enthusiastically. I winced in pain.

'Not now. After I recover, I'll help you.' I whispered.

'Alright. You need help? I know how to mend a bit of wounds.' She asked eagerly. I smiled gingerly. I knew better that I would rather trust a farmer to mend my wounds than trust an apprentice. Nevertheless, I allowed her to dress my wounds. Perhaps I really had fallen for her. Fortunately, her delicate hands were skilful.

'Right, just let me rest for a while more, and I should be able to help you.' I told the young cleric. She nodded understandingly. I sighed as I knew that this passion would deter my future improvements a lot.

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Part I: Prologue

Part II: The Meeting

Part III: The Toads

Part IV: The Passion

Part V: Epilogue

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