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Part V: Epilogue

I sat in the coffee shop, drinking a cup of tea. I had just sent a thief to the police station. There, the thief surrendered. As I left the place, I overheard his name...Gord. I had a tough time capturing that fool, who was trying to steal my wallet. Now that he was captured, I needed a rest. At this moment, somebody approached me. I jumped, arms swung, all set to hit the invader.

'It's me!' A sweet voice came floating into my ears. I stared at the ravishing beauty who was standing in front of me.

'Sweetheart! Sorry. I was a bit shaky after chasing after Gord the Rogue.' I explained quickly. She was my dearest one, and I could not afford to lose her.

'And you think you're still mudding? Wake up, dear.' She said.

'But you can't deny that it was through mud we knew each other.' I protested. She laughed.

'I guess you're right. Let's go somewhere else and calm your nerves.' She teased as she playfully pulled me out of the shop. I grinned mischievously as I followed her. And I knew just where she wanted to go. Mud again.

< Previous Page  

Part I: Prologue

Part II: The Meeting

Part III: The Toads

Part IV: The Passion

Part V: Epilogue

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