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Area Building Documentation: Headers

The Area Header Section

Name "Name of the Area"  
Level 1                50 // This area is for level 1 to 50
Vnum 1000          1099 // Vnum range
// Optional informations as follows.
// If not specified, the defaults are the values show here.
Builder "" // Name of the builder
Limit v1               v2 // Limit to levels v1 - v2
Age 15 // The area resets every 15 minutes
Flags "" // Area flags

Valid Flags:
"testing" Area can be unloaded. Always put this flag.
"nosave" Players cannot save in this area.
"noquest" Area won't be used in automated quests.
"fire" "water" "earth" "wind" "lightning" "holy" "evil" "poison" Specifiy the area inclination. A "fire" area will have mobs which are more resistant to fire, use fire spells/skills more often, and fire spells/skills will be more powerful here.

Flags          "fire" "nosave"

Sections in an ARE file

Header - define your area
Rooms - rooms, resets & progs
Mobiles - monsters & progs
Items - objects & progs
MudProgs - specials

Area List
For a complete listing of areas

Area Builder's Guide
Things to note when writing your area

Download Area Coders' Pack
Includes documentation & sample area

Back to Areas


<Mud> <Help> <Races> <Classes> <Areas> <Rules> <Clans> <Pantheon> <Heroes> <Journals> <Repository> <Ideas> <Home>