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Area Building Documentation: MudProgs

Updated by Ops on 24 Feb 1999
This is a brief documentation on the mudprogs available in HOTL3. It is work in progress - thus, not everything is documented yet.

Firstly, the mudprogs in HOTL3 are currently an interpreted language using the yacc/lex parser. Thus, it is neither as fast nor as powerful as other byte-code level languages like LPC. However, the basic framework to make mudprogs a byte-code compiled language is already in. In order to preserve as much compatibility between HOTL3 mudprog with HOTL2 mob/obj prog, the trigger effects, language structure, and some other not-so-nice things have been retained. The end effect is, of course, that we can use HOTL2 mob/obj prog without much modifications.

  1. Strings, numbers and parameters
  2. Basic unit blocks
  3. Types of mud_prog: Triggers & Commands
  4. Attaching mud_prog
  5. Variables
  6. Built-in functions & mud_prog-only commands

Strings, numbers & parameters
Strings in mud_prog are enclosed in single quota, ie '
You can concat two strings by using a dot '.' like this:

'Slimer ' . 'is here.' == 'Slimer is here.'

Note: Since ' is been used as a delimitor, be careful of using ' within your strings as it might cause strange errors. Note that using " in your string is a BAD IDEA(tm) too!

Numbers in mud_prog are just integers values like 1234 or -1234
Standard mathematical functions + - / * can be used on numbers, eg:
Note: ( ) doesnt work yet but the order of evualation is correct, i.e.

12 + 2 * 3 will give a correct 18 and not 52.

Parameters to a mud command or function are enclosed withing brackets ( ). Everything inside the brackets will be passed wholesale to commands. Thus, say ( how do you do ) is the same as typing 'say how do you do' atthe prompt.

Note: A mud command/function must have ( ) even if no paramters eg smile( ) In addition, since ( ) is used as a delimitor, be careful of using ( ) (especially in smily faces : - ). Use [ ] instead and it will be converted to ( ), eg say ( how do you do : - ] ) is same as say how do you do : - )

Basic unit blocks
There are 3 basic unit blocks in mud_prog: Program expression, Program condition, and Program control.

A program expression is a single statement, usually an existing mud command or some other specialised mpcommands, eg:

mpechoat($n You cannot see anything.)

Expressions can be also strings or numerical expressions, eg:

$1 = $n . ' is here.'       // . is a string concat
$2 = 500 + $5 * random(100) // $2 = rand(500,1000)

Program condition is a condition used for evaluating an expression which yields a boolean answer of true or false. It can be a predefined function, eg:

if rand(50) ...

or a numerical or string comparison:

if $1 . 'is here.' == 'Ender is here.' ...
if $2 == 500 ...

In addition, you can use AND and OR functions for evaluating conditions, eg:

if $1 == 500 AND $2 == 'Ender' ...

Program control at the moment only has the if-else-endif control. The for-loop and while-loop controls should be implemented sometime in the future. The syntax for if-else-endif control is as follows:

if <condition>

The block after else is optional. It is important that every if is terminated with an endif.

An example of the if-else-endif control:

if rand(50)
    say(Aiya, don't bother me okie!?) // notice the use of '                                       // is ok here
    if $r == 'Meowy'
        if $r == 'Slimer'
            shout($r is a kok!!!)

Types of mudprogs
There are two basic types of mud prog: Trigger and Command.

Triggers are the old mob/obj prog which have been maintained for compatibility. It works on a triggered action, maybe a sentence, a word, an action or just plain random events.

Currently, the list of triggers includes: "act" "speech" "rand" "fight" "death" "hitprcnt" "entry" "greet" "greetall" "give" "bribe" "wear" "remove" "get" "drop" "junk" "exam"

act Trigger "act" "string1"
what you want the mob to do when the victim acts like string1
Trigger "act" "p pokes you in the ribs."
speech Trigger "speech" "string1"
what you want the mob to do when the victim says something like string1
Trigger "speech" "p mary had a little lamb"
mpmload(vnum of lamb)
rand Trigger "rand" percent1
what you want the mob to do randomly percent1 percent of the time
Trigger "rand" 90
death Trigger "death" percent1
when the mob dies, what you want the mob to do percent1 percent of the time
Trigger "death" 100
say(Ahh, you killed me)
hitprcnt Trigger "hitprcnt" percent1
what you want the mob to do when its hp hits percent1 percent or below
Trigger "hitprcnt" 20
cast(holy heal)
cast(holy heal)
cast(holy heal)
entry Trigger "entry" percent1
when the mob enters a room, what you want it to do percent1 percent of the time
Trigger "entry" 100
say(I'm here)
greet Trigger "greet" percent1
what you want the mob to do when someone visible to the mob enters the room percent1 percent of the time
Trigger "greet" 50
say(Please get lost!)
greetall Trigger "greetall" percent1
works like greet but all players will be affected regardless of whether the mob can see them or not
Trigger "greetall" 50
say(Please get lost!)
give Trigger "give" "item1"
what you want the mob to do when someone gives it item1
Trigger "give" "pass"
mptransfer($n 12345)
bribe Trigger "bribe" amount1
what you want the mob to do when someone gives it amount1 amount of gold
Trigger "bribe" 500
say(Thank you!)
Trigger "bribe" 1000
say(Thank you so much!)
Notice that from 500-999 gold, the mob will say 'Thank you!' From 1000 gold onwards, it will say 'Thank you so much!'
wear Trigger "wear" percent1
mostly used for items - what you want the item to do percent1 of the time when someone wears it
Trigger "wear" 100
mpechoaround($n $n's darts start humming merrily.)
mpechoat($n Your darts start humming)
remove Trigger "remove" percent1
mostly used for items - what you want the item to do percent1 of the time when someone removes it
Trigger "remove" 100
mpechoaround($n $n's darts stop humming)
mpechoat($n Your darts stop humming)
get Trigger "get" percent1
mostly used for items - what you want the item to do percent1 of the time when someone gets it
Trigger "get" 100
mpechoat($n Your hands are stung in many places.)
mpdamage($n 20 'poisonous sting' 'poison')
drop Trigger "drop" percent1
mostly used for items - what you want the item to do percent1 of the time when someone drops it
Trigger "drop" 100
mpecho(The darts shimmer and change back to hornets.)
junk Trigger "junk" percent1
mostly used for items - what you want the item to do percent1 of the time when someone junks it
Trigger "junk" 100
mpecho(The darts shimmer and refuse to be junked.)
mpoload(vnum of dart)
exam Trigger "exam" percent1
mostly used for items - what you want the item to do percent1 of the time when someone examines it
Trigger "exam" 100
say(Hey, what are you looking at??)

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Sections in an ARE file

Header - define your area
Rooms - rooms, resets & progs
Mobiles - monsters & progs
Items - objects & progs
MudProgs - specials

Area List
For a complete listing of areas

Area Builder's Guide
Things to note when writing your area

Download Area Coders' Pack
Includes documentation & sample area

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