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Area Building Documentation: Items

The Items Section

#ITEM 100 // Vnum 100  
"name of object"   // name
"short description" // short description
"description" // description when you look at it
"Mat" // material of object
50 100 1000 80 // lvl 50, wgt 100, value 1000 cond 80%
Type "scroll" 50 "fireball" // See explanation below
// Optional information as follows.
// If not specified, the defaults are the values show here.
Wear "" // Wear flags
Att "" // Attributes

Valid Wear:
"take" "finger" "neck" "body" "head" "legs" "feet" "hands" "arms" "shield" "about" "waist" "wrist" "wield" "hold"

Wear        "take" "neck"

Valid Attributes:
"glow" - gives a (Glow)
"hum" - gives a (Humming)
"rot" v0 - rot slowly and disintegrates after time v0 ticks
"hit" - modifies hitpoints
"mana" - modifies mana
"move" - modifies movement
"hitroll" - modifies hitroll
"damroll" - modifies damroll
"invis" - item is invisible
"save" - modifies save vs spell
"ac" - modifies armor class
"str" - modifies strength
"int" - modifies intelligence
"wis" - modifies wisdom
"dex" - modifies dexterity
"con" - modifies constitution

Type of Item:
The type of item is slightly more complicated whereby explanation of each value would be neccessary. Each item has v0 to v4 like in ROM/Merc. However, since not all values are needed (depending on the item type), there is no need to assign values to each of them.

The various types of items are: weapon, wand, staff, fountain, bottle, pill, potion, scroll, armor, money, container, light, treasure, trash, key, food, boat.


Type        "weapon" "sword" "Fire of Fury" "fire"

Remember to put
Mat         "(type of material)"

This is a sword which does fire damage with "Fire of Fury" as its message.

WEAPON_TYPE can be "dagger" "sword" "2hsword" "mace" "spear" "axe" "flail" "whip" "polearm" "bow" "dart"

DAM_MES can be any string.

DAM_TYPE - see Type of Damage in Mobile section

Note: You cannot specify the damage of the weapon anymore. It will be calculated according to the WEAPON_TYPE.



Type        "staff" 50 3 5 "lightning"
This is a staff which casts level 50 lightning with 3 out of 5 charges left.

Type "fountain" LIQUID_TYPE

Type "bottle" LIQUID_TYPE

Type        "bottle" "beer" 3 5
This is a water bottle which contains beer and has 3 more drinks out of 5.

LIQUID_TYPE is listed in data.txt:
"water" "beer" "wine" "ale" "dark ale" "whisky" "lemonade" "firebreather" "local specialty" "slime juice" "milk" "tea" "coffee" "blood" "salt water" "gummy juice"

Can expand as required. Just send us the specification of the liquid type. Liquids have 7 attributes: color, thirst, hunger, drunk, hp, mana, move.
(Example: "wine" "rose" 5 2 5 0 5 0)

Type "pill" LEVEL SPELL1 SPELL2...

Type "potion" LEVEL SPELL1 SPELL2...

Type "scroll" LEVEL SPELL1 SPELL2...

Type        "scroll" 50 "fireball" "fireball"
This is a scroll which casts 2 level 50 fireballs.

Type "armor" "material"

Type "armor" "wooden"
This is an armor made of wood. Material affects the HP of the armor and also how well the item absorbs damage.

Material List:
Soft materials "cotton" "leather" "paper" "silk" "wool" "velvet"
Hard materials "bone" "cane" "ceramic" "glass" "stone" "wood"
Metals "adamantite" "brass" "bronze" "copper" "gold" "iron" "mithril" "platinum" "silver" "steel" "tin" "titanium"
Elemental materials "fire" "water" "earth" "wind" "lightning" "holy" "evil" "poison"
Special materials "crystal" "flesh"

Type "money" AMOUNT

Type "container" KEY

Type "light"

Type "treasure"

Type "trash"

Type "key"

Type "food"

Type "boat"

// Not used normally...

Type "npc corpse"

Type "pc corpse"

Sections in an ARE file

Header - define your area
Rooms - rooms, resets & progs
Mobiles - monsters & progs
Items - objects & progs
MudProgs - specials

Area List
For a complete listing of areas

Area Builder's Guide
Things to note when writing your area

Download Area Coders' Pack
Includes documentation & sample area

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