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Part IV: A Brush With Set

Blurrking sheathed his sword and we proceeded down the corridor towards Set's throne room. It wasn't long before we reached the T-junction that led to Lyrania's Chamber and Set's throne room. Blurrking peeked around the corner into Set's chamber. A shiver overcame him.

'This is going to be tough. There are 3 guardians watching Curmudgean's equipment and Set is in the room awaiting us. And Set doesn't look like some easy pushover.'

'Little snake huh?' I chuckled at Blurrking. He didn't seem to appreciate my smart remark. We decided on a plan. I will bring up my full array of defenses and rush in to distract everybody in the room, and at the same time draw the guardians away from Curmudgean's equipment. Blurrking and Curmudgean would then rush in, get the equipment and make a break for it.

Having decided on the plan, we prepared ourselves and brought up our defenses. We prepared ourselves for the charge. On the count of three, I drew my Sword of the Sun and charged into the room. The guardians were a bit shocked by my audacious charge at them. Set, noticing my entry, swooped down at me and joined his guardians in attempting to destroy me. Calling upon the power of Ra in my sword, I fought with my heart and sought to stop the guardians from getting near my comrades. I shouted at them to quickly get the equipment and get the hell out of here. I was beginning to tire fast as I was only a psionicist, and not a warrior, trained in the arts of warfare.

Curmudgean rushed in first with Blurrking close behind. They picked up what ever that belonged to Curmudgean and soon, called for me to retreat. I summoned every last ounce of psychic energy left in me and released it in a massive ultrablast. It was enough to distract Set and his minions for me to get away. We ran for all we could from his chamber.

Luck would have to go against us. The four guards that we spared earlier on pounced on us. We were tired, but still we drew our weapons and tried to finish the guards off. Curmudgean, in a fit of fury, launched into a whirlwind of attacks. It was three against them four. But Curmudgean was so deadly in his attacks, we easily won. In a triumphant swing, I slashed the throat off the last guard as we concluded the battle. We had won.

Taking the final steps out of the temple, I turned back and sneered at the statue of the cobra as Blurrking and Curmudgean prayed for transportation back to Midgaard...

< Previous Page  

Part I: The Distress Call

Part II: The Journey to the Temple

Part III: Inside the Temple of Set

Part IV: A Brush With Set

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