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Wedding Bells and Puddles in the Desert

The blushing reds and dreamy purples o'dusk
Herald th'union of BEARJAI and LINGLING:
Wedding bells of love grace the welcome task
Beneath the starry welkin twinkling.

In sweltering deserts of mirages
OASIS saviour of all travellers
Marking territory wi'little puddles
Train'd in leg-lifting like Midgaard fidos.

Shy maiden from th'bluest oceans CORALS
Pursu'd by lonely men delud'd by love -
Hath Cupid's love-struck eyes only for stoic warriors:
Tall, dark, handsome - ah! stones hath been known t'move!

True Love Found

BRIGHTBLADE to th'rescue, Entropy's dark knight
'pon his stallion o'black gold, travelling winds swift;
Redeeming CRYSANIA from th'dark pits o'sin
when first he chanc'd 'pon her: chor and cheap and mean.
I'troth, love's heralds are nimble-pinion'd doves
unfolding snowy wings whence true love doth thrives;
Gifts o'richly colour'd jewels and chickens
his handsome dowry: to make her his Queen o'Hearts.
Happily married at Crystalmir Lake
'pon Rings o'Eternal Love of immortal make,
Took sacred vows by th'virgin blush of dawn
wi'out th'vallenwoods emerald greens and gold'n brown.

Bless'd by th'sianest presence of sian ENDER
i'priestly garb cam'st with his teddy bear hither.
Love's joys were shared by papa SUNRUNNER
th'lovely bridesmaid SHOOBY - for th'grand feast eager.
A strange fish didst nigh wed XO, the bestman
when fishy tales wilt protest 'gainst th'wedding plan.
Disdain'd th'unkind hour o'envious shadows -
with tender lips seal'd love for sweetest morrows.
Elysium hence on silver reins o'passion
embracing arms in love's grandest reflection.

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In the Beginning

Coming of the Others

The Rule of Gods

Of War and Lust

The Marriage to Avatoria

Explorers of the Lands

Perversions of the Horned Ones

Tales of Youthful Blood

The Great Tragedies

Warring Battlefields

Of Death and Desperate Love

In the Depths of Hell

Wedding Bells and Puddles in the Desert

True Love Found

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